Another Baby Bump???
Star magazine is saying that Nicole Kidman may be pregnant because of these photos where there may or may not be a baby bump. I see the bump and if that is indeed a real bump and not a photoshopped bump then I will say that it does look like a baby bump. I would would be so happy if Nicole was preggers because I know that would make Tom Cruise uncomfortable and uneasy. *evil laugh from Luckeecharm*But of course this is all just speculation and nothing is for sure or confirmed. Nicole is said to marrying Keith Urban at the end of the month. Maybe her alledged baby bump is the reason for the hurried wedding.
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What we see here is not a baby bump at all.
As the picture clearly shows, Nicole has NO ass to speak of.
It is my personal theory that Ms.Kidman's behind has mysteriously migrated to her front.
Nicole's t-shirt ought to say: "Baby Got No Back!"
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