Expressing Yourself With Some Humor
I tip my hat to this guy. This guy is a director and has voiced his opinion on Scientology which isn't a very high opinion. Good for him. Much props to him wearing a shirt that expresses how he feels about it. And by the way its a freaking hilarious shirt that I would not mind owning. I hope it makes all scientologists angry because that just gives me warm fuzzy feelings all over. But we all know how Scientologists are. They can somehow make these t-shirts disappear. Thats how crazy and powerful they are. Wicked scary.
If I was a Democrat, I'd make the serious claim that you are an evil bigot, because you and the shirt wearer just belittled someone else's religion.
It would be the equivalent of someone walking into a Sinogougue(?) with a jacket that had a Swastika(?) patch on it.
The t-shirt wearer is clever though, for if he is ever charged with a hate crime, he can make the claim that "gay" in this circumstance means "happy".
You're just luckee that I'm not a Libral minded individual, who eats, breathes, and rants about political correctness. You also happen to be lucky that I'm the only person who frequents your blog on a semi-regular basis.
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