In Most Ironic News of the Day
(Yeah, you know that Tom is laughing because he had the joy of taking the spotlight away from Brooke)
Remember when we all thought it was funny that Katie and Brooke would be pregnant at the same time? Well, hot damn, it had to go and get even more ironic. Today both gave birth to daughters. Brooke named hers Grier, and Katie (or rather more likely) Tom named theirs Suri. I'm sure Brooke had a nice, normal birth because she was allowed to make noise and their wasn't any need to save the placenta. Katie's birth was probably a lot more wacked. But I guess it just makes sense because Tom was not going to be outstaged in anyway. Katie may have very well have given birth today, but I still don't buy that the baby is actually his. Can't wait for the breakup rumors to begin.
I hope Katie screamed her head off.
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