Thursday, February 16, 2006

Whatever Help You Sleep At Night Britney

NEW YORK - Still smarting from the shot seen 'round the world,
Britney Spears says she rarely takes her baby son, Sean Preston, outside because she fears pushy paparazzi.
"I don't really go out with him," Spears told People magazine. "And it's kind of sad because I can't walk down the street with a stroller. I'm not expecting people to pity me. I'm just telling the truth."
"I've pulled over and asked the cops, 'Could you please help me? They've been driving recklessly back there.' And they say, 'Sorry ma'am, I can't help you. This is how it is.' I mean, Princess Diana got killed by one of these people. They're crossing the line."

This is crap because she "fears" the paparazzi and says that they are dangerous. She's the dumbass that drove in L.A. traffic with an infant on her lap. I would call THAT dangerous. Dude, this girl is a dumbass. I hope her mom or the nanny has more to do with Sean Preston's upbringing than her. This baby's parents are freaking retarded.


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